NOTE: the ROMA ARCHEOLOGIA CARD - Euro 20,00 and valid 7 days includes the entrance to all the sites of the Roman National Museum, to the Colosseum, the Palatine, the Baths of Caracalla, the Tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Villa of the Quintili. The card can be purchased from the ticket counters of each site, except for the Tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Villa of the Quintili, and also from the Visitor Center of Rome Tourist Board (APT) in Via Parigi 5.
The APPIA ANTICA CARD - Euro 6,00 - valid 7 days includes the entrance to the Baths of Caracalla, the Tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Villa of the Quintili.
Ara Pacis
The altar of peace is one of the most important monuments of ancient Rome. It was built in 13 B.C. to commemorate Augustus victories over Spain and Gaul
Originally it was erected in proximity of today's Via del Corso. In 1938, during the bimillenary Augustus celebrations, the altar was rebuilt by G. Moretti in Piazza Augusto. The original fragments were integrated with copies of them.
It is a square enclosure with an altar in its middle. All the surfaces are decorated with marble friezes and relieves of Greek artists
Address: Lungotevere in Augusta
Zone: Villa Borghese - Barberini
Horary: 9h - 17h, holiday 9h - 13h
Phone: 0668806848
Arch of Constantine
It is the most important of the Roman triumphal arches. It was built in 313 A.D. to celebrate emperor Constantine's victory over Massenzio.
It rises not far from the Coliseum at the end of the Via Sacra. It marks the limit between Roman Forum and Coliseum area
It is the greatest of the three Roman triumphal arches. It is 25 meters high. It was built during a period in which Rome began its decline in favour of Constantinople, that is the reason why, as Roman wealth had lowered, the arch was realized with marbles taken out from ancient buildings and preexisting monuments. In its composition statues and decorations, originally located elsewhere, were also set. All the materials were used to create polychromatic effects. The different elements, all together, either artistically or historically, make it highly representative of Roman architecture. On the wall, in front of the Coliseum, you can see, in fact, the representation of Mark Aurelius struggling against the Dacians; on the opposite side, you can see episodes of the battles fought by Mark Aurelius and Constantine. It is the greatest of the three Roman triumphal arches. It is 25 meters high. It was built during a period in which Rome began its decline in favour of Constantinople, that is the reason why, as Roman wealth had lowered, the arch was realized with marbles taken out from ancient buildings and preexisting monuments. In its composition statues and decorations, originally located elsewhere, were also set. All the materials were used to create polychromatic effects. The different elements, all together, either artistically or historically, make it highly representative of Roman architecture. On the wall, in front of the Coliseum, you can see, in fact, the representation of Mark Aurelius struggling against the Dacians; on the opposite side, you can see episodes of the battles fought by Mark Aurelius and Constantine.
Address: Via di S. Gregorio
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
It is the Rome's cathedral, founded by Constantine in the IV century. It was destroyed and reconstructed more times. The basilica's actual shape dates back to the XII century
In the course of centuries, several pontifices added spaces, decorations and works of art. An interior restoration was made by Borromini, according to Innocenzo X's will, on the Jubilee occasion in 1650. The basilica's imposing façade, made out of travertine, overlooks "Piazza di Porta San Giovanni" and was constructed in 1735 by Alessandro Galilei, a famous architect. Pio IX and Leone XIII had reconstruction and restoration works executed in its presbytery and apse by Virginio Vespignani.
On its balustrade you can admire 15 gigantic statues (7 metres high) representing Saints and the Redeemer's one being the central of them. In its left porch, you can see the Constantine's statue coming from the "Terme Imperiali del Quirinale". The great central door, through which you can enter this basilica, has precious bronze leaves. The last door on the right, is the Holy Door which, like Saint Peter's one, is open only on the Jubilees occasion. Inside, this church has five aisles and a Latin cross structure, is wide and solemn and no less than 130 metres long. Its sumptuous golden ceiling and its beautiful floor, which recalls the style of the Cosmati Family, represent a sure attraction for visitors. At the end of the greatest nave, under the great triumphal arch, you can admire the papal altar, with the imposing and elegant tabernacle dating back to the second half of the IV century; in it, you can see frescoes attributed to Barna from Siena. Besides, the relics of Saint Peter and Paul' heads are kept in precious silver containers. Among the great complex of statues, monuments and decorations, we point out (in the nave, behind the first pillar on the right) the fragment of the famous fresco by Giotto, representing Bonifacio VIII while announces the Jubilee in 1300.
Address: Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano
Zone: Termini - Esquilino
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 0669886452
Baths of Caracalla
They are named also "Antoniane" and were built up from 212 A.D. up to 217 A.D. by Emperor Caracalla.
They are placed in the homonymous street near the beginning of the famous Ancient Appia road, which is interesting from an archaeological and artistic points of view. These baths were still in use in the VI century but they weren't anymore in 537, that is to say, after the invasion of the Goths who destroyed their feeding acqueduct.
These thermal baths were able to receive, at the same time, 1700 people in great baths fitted out with warm, lukewarm and cold water. Statues, splendidly frescoed vaults and valuable marbles adorned this thermal complex. Besides, round their most refined rooms and piscinae, there were libraries, palestras and gardens that made pleasant and relaxing this place. They were grand and important in the antiquity but still today you can be enchanted before the remains of that ancient splendor
Address: Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
Zone: Piramide
Horary: 9h - 1h before the sunset
Ticket: € 5,00
Phone: 0639967700
Castel Sant'Angelo
Emperor Hadrian had it built in 130 A.D. as his mausoleum. It held the remains of the Imperial family until Caracalla.
It rises close to Victor Emmanuel II bridge in lungotevere Castello. Originally it was much different from today's. Under emperor Aurelian it was strongly fortified, in the 11th century a tower was added and in 1277 it was occupied by the Pope who added to it some apartments. The actual name roots in an old legend on the bronzy 18th century angel, telling that during the dreadful pestilence of 590 an angel appeared sheathing his sword as a sign of granted grace.
It was Used as shelter for popes and as jail. To make it safer in 1277 it was joined to the Vatican by the famous "Passetto". This long fortified passageway allowed the pope to walk safely from the Vatican to Castel Sant'Angelo. Today it is a Museum (National Museum in Castel Sant’Angelo). There are collections of weapons and documents about the history of the castle. All rooms can be visited, from the jail to the pope's apartments and all the numerous fully adorned rooms. You can see: Apollo's room with frescoes by P. del Vaga’s school; Leo X's chapel with Renaissance sculptures; Clemente VII's rooms with works by G. Romano, T. Cats, L. Signorelli and others; Paul III's loggia by R. da Montelupo; Giulio II's loggia by Bramante; Paul III's apartment with the Paoline room decorated by P. del Vaga, D. Beccafumi and others; Adrianeo’s room and the Festoons' room with ST. Jerome painted by L. Lotto.
Catacombs of Domitilla
Place of burial and worship of the early Christians
Catacombs of Domitilla are near Appian Way and their most ancient nuclei date from the the end of the 2nd century
The catacombs are underground cemeteries that spread for kilometers through a network of subterranean galleries into which numerous tombs were dug. At least until the 4th century, they were used only as a burial grounds, where the cult of the dead was celebrated with liturgical commemorations. Starting from the 6th century and through the 12th century, the catacombs became sanctuaries dedicated to the worship and commemoration of the martyrs.
Address: Via delle Sette Chiese, 283
Zone: Appia Antica - Ardeatina
Horary: 8h 30 - 12h/ 14h 30 - 17h. Closed Tuesdays and January
Ticket: € 5,00
Phone: 065110342
Colosseum (Amphitheater of Flavius)
It is a marvellous architectural complex that doesn't find examples in Roman art. Its real name is Flavian Amphitheater. It was built in 72 A.D. by an unknown architect.
The Colosseum rises among the Palatine hill, the Celian hill and the Oppian hill. Its construction was begun by emperor Vespasian and was completed by his son Titus in 80 A.D. At first, in the amphitheater, gladiatorial shows, consisting in fights to the death between men and beasts, took place: it is there that, later on, the first Christians were cruelly killed by beasts. Afterwards the Coliseum was neglected, which provoked its rapid deterioration. Pope Benedetto XIV's edict consecrated it to the memory of the Christian martyrs, putting an end to its slow destruction. In 1808 it was restored by Pope Pious VII.
The Colosseum consists of four floors: the first three of them have 80 holes shaped like archs, while the fourth is taller than the others and is characterized by a more compact building mass with windows. The archs are separated by pillars with semi-columns of Doric, Ionic and Corinthian order. Inside, the staircases had a capacity of around 50.000 people, who, in case of bad weather, were sheltered by a system of coverage consisting of striped cloth, maneuvered by one hundred sailors. It is the greatest amphitheater of the Roman world.
Address: Piazza del Colosseo
Information and reservations: phone 06 39 96 77 00
On-line booking: or at the Visitor Centre of the APT - Via Parigi, 5. Booking is compulsory for groups of over 14 people. The reservation includes free audioguides.
Hours: 9 - 1h before sunset.
Admission Euro 9,00 + Euro 2,00 for exhibitions(ticket valid also for the Palatine).
Domus Aurea
Built by emperor Nero, it had to be the largest and richest residence ever raised. It was named Domus Aurea (gold House) thanks to its valuable decorations and prestigious furniture.
It is situated on the Oppian hill in "via della Domus Aurea". The sumptuous Nero’s villa was closed to visitors during the 80’s; since June 25th 1999 you can again visit and appreciated it. It was built after the disastrous fire occurred in 64 A.D.
The vast rooms are fully adorned with stucco-works and paintings, from which the Renaissance artists got their inspiration for that particular decoration called “grotesque”. Of big effect the "Octagonal room" and the one of the "Golden Vault". Through a pre-planned itinerary of 32 rooms you can visit: the Ulysses and Polyphemus's room, the Golden Vault's room, Achilles Asciro's room, the complex of the Octagonal room and Hector and Andromache's room.
Address: Via della Domus Aurea - Giardini di Colle Oppio
Zone: Termini - Esquilino
Horary: 9h - 19h 45
Ticket: € 5,00 (obbligatory reservation € 1,00)
Phone: 0639967700
Monument to Vittorio Emmanuele II
It is an imposing monument built up in 1885 according to architect G.Sacconi's plan to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the kingdom of Italy
It rises in Piazza Venezia and is called also 'Victorian'. It was built, using white limestone, in 1885 and was inaugurated in 1911 but it took almost twenty years to be completed. Besides, being the symbol of Italian unity since 1921, it also considered the altar of the Italian land. Two sentries of honor continuously watch the tomb the Unknown Soldier which keeps the remains of an unknown soldier died during the World War.
An enormous flight of steps, flanked with winged lions and two bronze 'Vittorie', leads to the altar of the Italian land. It shows high-reliefs by Angelo Zanelli, in the middle of which, you can admire the Rome statue. In the middle of this monument there is the gigantic equestrian statue of king Victor Emmanuel II, realized in bronze by Enrico Chiaradia. Behind, the monument shows a grandiose porch with columns 15 metres high and two colossal bronze quadrigae with winged 'Vittorie', realized by Carlo Fontana e Paolo Bartolini
Address: Piazza Venezia
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Horary: 9h - 17h 30 in winter / 19h 30 in summer
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 066991718
It is an imposing monument considered a masterpiece of the Roman architecture. It is one of the ancient and best conserved monuments in the world. Consul Agrippa had it built in 27 A.D.
Placed in "Piazza della Rotonda" near "Piazza Minerva" it was named "Pantheon" because it was a temple dedicated to several divinities. Thanks, first, to the restoration by Domiziano, and then to the reconstruction by Adriano in 130 A.D., it has remained nearly integral. In 609 A.D. this temple was given by Emperor Foca to Pope Bonifacio IV and changed into a church; this is the reason why it is still in excellent conditions.
Nearly all what you can admire was built in Roman age, even the dome, 43,4 metres high, and the solid bronze door. The arcade is decorated, inside, with valuable polychrome marbles whereas its façade has 16 monolithic granitic columns which are 14 metres high. Inside, the "Pantheon" has a circular plan and a stately lacunar dome. The only opening is in the middle of the dome and creates a luminous effect that exalts the grandiosity and the harmony of this monument. In its chapels there are numerous works of art and the tombs of thrItalian royal families, of Baldassarre Peruzzi and Taddeo Zuccari and, above all, there is Raffaello's grave.
Address: Piazza della Rotonda
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Horary: 8h 30 - 18h 30; Sunday 9h - 18h; holiday 9h - 13h 30
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 0668300230
Piazza del Popolo
Planned by Valadier at the beginning of the XIX century, it is considered one of the best urban works in Rome
It represents the point of confluence of three important streets: via del Corso, via del Babuino and via di Ripetta. It is characterized by the Porta del Popolo by Bernini, which was the most important entrance in Rome for travellers coming from the north through the consular Flaminia road.
In the middle of the square you can see the second greatest obelisk in Rome: the Egyptian Obelisk, realized in 1200 B.C. At the slopes of Pincio's terrace, from where you can enjoy an exceptional view of Rome, there is the "Chiesa di Santa Maria del Popolo", built in the Middle Ages and rebuilt many times until its complete restoration occurred during Renaissance. Inside, you can admire works by Pinturicchio and Caravaggio. The second aisle, the one on left, is overhung by "Cappella Chigi" designed by Raffaello during the Renaissance. Two more similar churches face this square: "Santa Maria in Montesanto" and "Santa Maria dei Miracoli", realized in the XVI century by Bernini.
Piazza di Spagna
This is one of the best known and evocative places in Rome. It is characterized by the great perron of " Trinità dei Monti".
From this square the best known and most elegant streets in Rome branch off: for instance, "Via Condotti" is famous all over the world for its numerous boutique and ateliers of many Italian stylists like Armani, Versace and Valentino. "Via Frattina" is also an elegant and very frequented street. "Via del Babuino" is full of palaces built in 17th and 18th centuries and is the centre of Roman antique-trade. "Via Margutta", which is parallel to " via del Babuino", is the street of the painters.
The great perron of "Trinità dei Monti" was made out of travertine in 1724 according to F. De Sanctis' plan. In the middle of the square, at the bottom of the perron, there is the elegant "Fontana della Barcaccia" realized by Pietro Bernini. At the top of the stairs you can see, behind the Egyptian obelisk, "Santa Trinità dei Monti's church". It was built in 1495 and its façade was realized by Maderno. Beginning from "Piazza di Spagna" and going up its flight of steps, you can reach the "Pincio's terrace", from where you can enjoy an exceptional view of Rome.
Piazza Navona
It is a beautiful and famous square where you can admire masterpieces by Bernini, Borromini e G. della Porta, who were very important exponents of the baroque art.
It is also one of the most frequented place in Rome: as a matter of fact, it is a meeting place both for tourist and Romans till late in the night thanks, also, to the numerous pubs, restaurants and piano-bars.
This square has an elliptic shape like a stadium and, in fact, rises on the ancient Domitian's Stadium. In it you can admire three splendid fountains. The central one is the Fontana dei Fiumi which was realized by Bernini and is characterized by four allegorical statues which represent the four main river in the world. The lateral ones are the Fontana del Moro designed by Bernini and the Fontana del Nettuno planned by Giacomo della Porta.. In the middle of the square, there is the beautiful work of Borromini : the Chiesa di Santa Agnese in Agone which has a concave façade and represents a magnificient model of baroque building. Inside, in the crypt, you can admire the remains of the primitive church and the Domitian's Stadium.
Quirinal Palace
It was, at first, a grand papal see, afterwards became the official residence of the Italian Royal Family and finally it became the President of the Republic's residence
It was built in Quirinal Square about in 1584 according to Pope Gregorio XIII's will. To give the palace its current shape, many great artists collaborated; some of them are: Domenico Fontana who designed the façade, Carlo Maderno who designed the great chapel, Flaminio Ponzio, Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Alessandro Fuga. The building was definitively completed in the XVIII century, under the pontificate of Pope Clemente XII Corsini.
It is a grandiose building, but its architectonic structure hasn't got an exceptional value in spite of the great artists who made it. Its façade has a very interesting decorative element: the beautiful portal realized in 1615 by Carlo Maderno and overhung by the Loggia of Blessing realized in 1638 by Bernini. Inside, you can see a wide courtyard, at the end of which, a high clock tower rises. The wide and very numerous rooms were decorated with remarkable frescoes by several painters. In particular, you can admire the interesting "Cappella dell'Annunciata" with frescoes by Guido Reni. Besides, there is the magnificent garden which dates back to the beginning of the XVIII century. In it, the peculiar "Fontana dell'Organo" is very beautiful.
Address: Piazza del Quirinale
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Ticket: € 5,00
Phone: 0646991
Roman Forum
It can be considered a symbol of antiquity. It was the center of the civic, juridical and economic life in Republican times
It can be reached from the Capitoline hill going down along Senators Building or behind the monument to king Victor Emmanuel II and walking along Via dei Fori Imperiali. It was very damaged by the barbaric invasions. In 1700 the excavations brought out notable treasures of Romanic art.
To the right of its main entrance you can see the ruins of the Basilica Emilia, erected in 179 B.C. The pavement of the ancient street, called Argiletum, separates this basilica from the Curia which was the Forum’s first civic center. Just behind, you can see the arch of Septimius Severus, built in 203 A.D. and still almost intact. It consists of three arcades separated by white columns. Going on there are the Rostra, that is to say, the tribunes from where Roman Orators spoke. In front of the Rostra, you can admire the Phocas column, raised in 608 in honor of the homonymous emperor. Not far, there is the "Via Sacra", so called because it was crossed by priests during the sacred ceremonies; it preserves partly the original paving. Along the street, on the right, there are the Basilica Julia, made under Caesar, the temple of Saturn and the temple of Dioscuris, erected in the B.C.. Besides, you can see the temple of Vesta which has a circular plan and where a perpetual fire, symbol of eternal Rome, used to burn. In addition, you can notice the House of Vestals, where the virgins taking care of the fire lived. Along the "Via Sacra", on the left, there are the temple of Antoninus and Faustina and the Basilica of Maxentius. The "Via Sacra" ended near the Arch of Titus.
Address: Via dei Fori Imperiali
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Horary: 9h - 1h before the sunset
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 0639967700
San Luigi dei Francesi
In this church, built in 1589 by Domenico Fontana according to Giacomo Della Porta's design, many masterpieces are kept. Among which the famous works by Caravaggio Martirio di San Matteo, Vocazione di San Matteo and San Matteo e l'angelo.
The French National church, founded in 1518, was completed only in 1589. It faces the homonymous square
The imposing façade made out of travertine, has a balcony in its middle and two orders of Corinthian parastades from Tuscania with niches and statues by Pierre l'Estache. This church has three aisles divided by Ionic pillars. It is famous because it keeps tombs of many French personages and important masterpieces. The frescoes in the second right chapel representing scenes of Saint Cecily's life, are among the best works by Domenichino. Another remarkable work of art you can admire is the "Assunzione" by Francesco Bassano. However the most famous works are kept in the aisle of Saint Matthew, where you can find, on the right wall, the "Martirio di San Matteo", on the left wall, the "Vocazione di San Matteo", and on the altar, "San Matteo e l'Angelo", which are masterpieces by Caravaggio.
Address: Piazza San Luigi dei Francesi
Zone: Castel S. Angelo - Piazza Navona
Ticket: Gratis
Santa Maria in Trastevere
It is the most ancient basilica in Rome: in fact, it was built in 222 A.D. by order of Pope San Callisto. Later on, it was reconstructed in the XII century according to Innocenzo II's will.
It faces the square to which gives its name and represents the heart of one of the most typical quarters in Rome and the centre of the night life in Trastevere. In 1450 it was restored, by order of Nicola V, by the architect Bernardino Rossellini and in 1702 Clemente XI had the porch added according to Carlo Fontana's plan.
You can admire the interesting façade, decorated with a splendid mosaic representing the Madonna in throne, and the porch, erected by Carlo Fontana in the XVIII century according to Papa Clemente XI's will. A balustrade with four pontifices' statues overhangs the porch. At the church's side you can see the beautiful Romanesque bell tower which dates back to the XII century. The internal structure consists of three aisles divided by 22 ancient granite columns coming from pagan monuments. The beautiful floor, which recalls the style of the Cosmati Family, and the lacunar ceiling painted according to Domenichino's designs, are very interesting. Amid the windows you can admire the valuable mosaics by Cavallini representing the life of the Madonna.
Address: Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere
Zone: Castel S. Angelo - Piazza Navona
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 065814802
Santa Maria Maggiore
The basilica was erected in the IV century but underwent many remakings in the course of the years. The building is characterized by different architectonic styles.
Placed in its homonymous square, its construction is due to a dream which Pope Liberio had the 5th of August 356 A.D., during the night: the Virgin invited him to build a church in the place where the following morning he would have found snow. The miracle came true because, the day after, it snowed on the place where the basilica is placed today.
Built in 1375-76 in Romanesque style, the bell tower is the highest in Rome (about 75 metres high).The internal structure, unique among the patriarchal basilicas, has kept a shape similar to the original one. It is 86 metres high, has three aisles which are divided by a series of monolithic columns. On these columns you can admire Ionic capitals which directly support the trabeation with a mosaic frieze of the V century. The lacunar ceiling is attributed to Giuliano from Sangallo and is adorned with the emblem of Alexander VI's Taurus. Its floor, which recalls the style of the Cosmati Family, dates back to the half of the XII century. Inside, you can find valuable works of art by many Italian masters. Among these, you can admire the works by D. Fontana who realized the Sistine Chapel by order of Sisto V.
Address: Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore
Zone: Termini - Esquilino
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 06483195
St. Peter's Basilica
It is the greatest church in the world and is dominated by the imposing Michelangelo's dome. It was built in 324 A.D. by Constantine. The works which give the present shape to the basilica began in 1506 thanks to the Bramante's plan
Placed in the Vatican State (that is an independent State) it dominates St.Peter's Square which is a Bernini's masterpiece. This basilica is the spiritual centre of the Christendom and for its realization many great artists like Bramante, Raffaello, G. from Sangallo, Peruzzi, A. from Sangallo masterly worked. In 1547 Michelangelo joined those artists realizing the apse part and the dome which represents the greatest masonry work never built. Later on, Maderno erected the basilica's façade and, by order of the Pope, changed the Greek cross plan of the church into the current Latin cross.
Preceded by an enormous perron, the basilica's façade is characterized by emergent columns between which some windows take place. The largest window, that is the central one, is the blessings loggia. The atrium, realized by Maderno, is decorated with stuccoes and mosaics: among these, Giotto's mosaic "La Navicella" is particularly appealing. Five bronze doors introduce to the basilica; one of these, that is to say " The Saint Door", is open only on the jubilees occasion. The church is imposing and and grandiose: in its middle, under the luminous dome, adorned by mosaics, over the papal altar, you can admire the Bernini's bronze canopy. On its right you can see St. Peter's bronze statue, sculptured by A. di Cambio, having its right foot warn out by the faithful's kisses. In the right aisle there is "La Pietà",the famous Michelangelo's marble complex. In the Apse you can admire the splendid "St. Peter's Chair", a bronze work by Bernini. If you want, you can visit the basilica's dome from where you can enjoy an exceptional view of Rome.
The Ancient Appian Way
Known since antiquity as Regina Viarum, or the queen of roads, the Appian Way was the most famous of the Roman consular roads
Was the first and most important of the great roads which the Romans built. The road was constructed in 312 BC by censor Appius Claudius, and originally connected Rome with the Alban Hills. Begins at Porta San Sebastiano and continues for nine kilometers, at times through open countryside with cluster pines and cultivated fields.
The Ancient Appian Way is still lined with antique tombs, churches, catacombs, sepulchers and mausoleums. Some of these displayed much monumental greatness, as in the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, famous funeral monument, dating from the last decades of the ancient Roman Republic.
The Capitol
It is one of the most interesting architectural areas in Rome. The whole complex (square and buildings) was built in the sixteenth century according to Michelangelo's designs
Placed on the Capitoline Hill, it suffered during the centuries various remaking until it assumed the actual shape, according to Michelangelo's project .Since the ancient times it was a very important place for the life of the City, being first, a religious centre, and then, the seat of Roman Senate. Today it is the Town Hall. You can reach the Capitol by the great flight of steps built according to Michelangelo's designs. At the top of the stairs there is a balustrade whith the statues of Dioscuri raised during the imperial period. You can admire in the middle of the trapezoidal square Marcus Aurelius’s statue, on its left the "Palazzo Nuovo", seat of Capitoline museum, on its right the "Palazzo dei Conservatori" and behind the statue the "Palazzo Senatorio" with its beautiful stairs realized by Michelangelo, and the fountain with the ancient statue of sitting Minerva. The Capitoline Tower, erected in the 16th century, overlooks the "Palazzo Senatorio".
Trevi Fountain
The most famous fountain in Rome, made by architect Salvi in 1735 under Pope Clement XII, it is considered one of the most beautiful fountains in the world. The Dukes of Poli's building serves as background to the fountain.
Not far from "via del Corso" erected in the homonym square, it is probably one of the most visited places in Rome. Thousands of people every day come to admire it and throw a coininto it, because, according to a legend, the one who tosses a coin into the fountain ensures his return to Rome. The movie "La Dolce Vita", directed by Federico Fellini has contributed to enrich the world fame of this fountain.
It is divided into three niches by four columns. It tells several allegoric stories. In the central niche, the statue of the Ocean God stands on a shell-shaped chariot pulled by winged horses. In the side niches there are statues symbolizing Plenty and Sobriety. In the basin, which represents the sea, various animals, both mythological and real, are represented.
Markets of Trajan and Trajan's Forum
The markets, with their tabernae and bargaining rooms, are the ingenious building complex expecially designed to support the ground of the Quirinal Hill, dug out for the construction of the Imperial Forums, where the centre of public life had shifted.
Address: Via IV Novembre 94 - phone 06 67 90 048
Information and reservations: phone/fax 06 69 78 05 32
Hours: winter 9 - 16.30, summer 9 - 18.30, Mon closed.
Please note: the Markets of Trajan are temporarily closed. It is however possible to visit the Trajan's Forum and the big semicircular building at the reduced price of Euro 3,20. Entrance from the Column of Trajan.
A walk of incomparable beauty along the most ancient memories of Rome: the Domus Augustana, residence of the emperors, and other private houses.
Address: Via di S. Gregorio, 30 or Piazza S. Maria Nova 53 (Foro Romano) - phone 06 39 96 77 00
On-line booking: or at the Visitor Centre of the APT - Via Parigi, 5. Booking is compulsory for groups of over 14 people. The reservation includes free audioguides.
Hours: 9 - 1h before sunset.
Admission: Euro 8,00 (ticket valid also for the Colosseum)
Archaeology Museums
Municipal Antiquarium
Household objects from the 6th century B.C. to the time of barbarian invasions. The Antiquarium includes the famous doll with jointed limbs that was part of the funeral accouterment of Crepereia Tryphaena.
Via Parco del Celio 22 - phone 06 70 01 569
Temporarily closed for restoration.
NOTE: the ROMA ARCHEOLOGIA CARD - Euro 20,00 and valid 7 days includes the entrance to all the sites of the Roman National Museum, to the Colosseum, the Palatine, the Baths of Caracalla, the Tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Villa of the Quintili. The card can be purchased from the ticket counters of each site, except for the Tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Villa of the Quintili, and also from the Visitor Center of Rome Tourist Board (APT) in Via Parigi 5.
The APPIA ANTICA CARD - Euro 6,00 - valid 7 days includes the entrance to the Baths of Caracalla, the Tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Villa of the Quintili.
Ara Pacis
The altar of peace is one of the most important monuments of ancient Rome. It was built in 13 B.C. to commemorate Augustus victories over Spain and Gaul
Originally it was erected in proximity of today's Via del Corso. In 1938, during the bimillenary Augustus celebrations, the altar was rebuilt by G. Moretti in Piazza Augusto. The original fragments were integrated with copies of them.
It is a square enclosure with an altar in its middle. All the surfaces are decorated with marble friezes and relieves of Greek artists
Address: Lungotevere in Augusta
Zone: Villa Borghese - Barberini
Horary: 9h - 17h, holiday 9h - 13h
Phone: 0668806848
Arch of Constantine
It is the most important of the Roman triumphal arches. It was built in 313 A.D. to celebrate emperor Constantine's victory over Massenzio.
It rises not far from the Coliseum at the end of the Via Sacra. It marks the limit between Roman Forum and Coliseum area
It is the greatest of the three Roman triumphal arches. It is 25 meters high. It was built during a period in which Rome began its decline in favour of Constantinople, that is the reason why, as Roman wealth had lowered, the arch was realized with marbles taken out from ancient buildings and preexisting monuments. In its composition statues and decorations, originally located elsewhere, were also set. All the materials were used to create polychromatic effects. The different elements, all together, either artistically or historically, make it highly representative of Roman architecture. On the wall, in front of the Coliseum, you can see, in fact, the representation of Mark Aurelius struggling against the Dacians; on the opposite side, you can see episodes of the battles fought by Mark Aurelius and Constantine. It is the greatest of the three Roman triumphal arches. It is 25 meters high. It was built during a period in which Rome began its decline in favour of Constantinople, that is the reason why, as Roman wealth had lowered, the arch was realized with marbles taken out from ancient buildings and preexisting monuments. In its composition statues and decorations, originally located elsewhere, were also set. All the materials were used to create polychromatic effects. The different elements, all together, either artistically or historically, make it highly representative of Roman architecture. On the wall, in front of the Coliseum, you can see, in fact, the representation of Mark Aurelius struggling against the Dacians; on the opposite side, you can see episodes of the battles fought by Mark Aurelius and Constantine.
Address: Via di S. Gregorio
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
It is the Rome's cathedral, founded by Constantine in the IV century. It was destroyed and reconstructed more times. The basilica's actual shape dates back to the XII century
In the course of centuries, several pontifices added spaces, decorations and works of art. An interior restoration was made by Borromini, according to Innocenzo X's will, on the Jubilee occasion in 1650. The basilica's imposing façade, made out of travertine, overlooks "Piazza di Porta San Giovanni" and was constructed in 1735 by Alessandro Galilei, a famous architect. Pio IX and Leone XIII had reconstruction and restoration works executed in its presbytery and apse by Virginio Vespignani.
On its balustrade you can admire 15 gigantic statues (7 metres high) representing Saints and the Redeemer's one being the central of them. In its left porch, you can see the Constantine's statue coming from the "Terme Imperiali del Quirinale". The great central door, through which you can enter this basilica, has precious bronze leaves. The last door on the right, is the Holy Door which, like Saint Peter's one, is open only on the Jubilees occasion. Inside, this church has five aisles and a Latin cross structure, is wide and solemn and no less than 130 metres long. Its sumptuous golden ceiling and its beautiful floor, which recalls the style of the Cosmati Family, represent a sure attraction for visitors. At the end of the greatest nave, under the great triumphal arch, you can admire the papal altar, with the imposing and elegant tabernacle dating back to the second half of the IV century; in it, you can see frescoes attributed to Barna from Siena. Besides, the relics of Saint Peter and Paul' heads are kept in precious silver containers. Among the great complex of statues, monuments and decorations, we point out (in the nave, behind the first pillar on the right) the fragment of the famous fresco by Giotto, representing Bonifacio VIII while announces the Jubilee in 1300.
Address: Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano
Zone: Termini - Esquilino
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 0669886452
Baths of Caracalla
They are named also "Antoniane" and were built up from 212 A.D. up to 217 A.D. by Emperor Caracalla.
They are placed in the homonymous street near the beginning of the famous Ancient Appia road, which is interesting from an archaeological and artistic points of view. These baths were still in use in the VI century but they weren't anymore in 537, that is to say, after the invasion of the Goths who destroyed their feeding acqueduct.
These thermal baths were able to receive, at the same time, 1700 people in great baths fitted out with warm, lukewarm and cold water. Statues, splendidly frescoed vaults and valuable marbles adorned this thermal complex. Besides, round their most refined rooms and piscinae, there were libraries, palestras and gardens that made pleasant and relaxing this place. They were grand and important in the antiquity but still today you can be enchanted before the remains of that ancient splendor
Address: Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
Zone: Piramide
Horary: 9h - 1h before the sunset
Ticket: € 5,00
Phone: 0639967700
Castel Sant'Angelo
Emperor Hadrian had it built in 130 A.D. as his mausoleum. It held the remains of the Imperial family until Caracalla.
It rises close to Victor Emmanuel II bridge in lungotevere Castello. Originally it was much different from today's. Under emperor Aurelian it was strongly fortified, in the 11th century a tower was added and in 1277 it was occupied by the Pope who added to it some apartments. The actual name roots in an old legend on the bronzy 18th century angel, telling that during the dreadful pestilence of 590 an angel appeared sheathing his sword as a sign of granted grace.
It was Used as shelter for popes and as jail. To make it safer in 1277 it was joined to the Vatican by the famous "Passetto". This long fortified passageway allowed the pope to walk safely from the Vatican to Castel Sant'Angelo. Today it is a Museum (National Museum in Castel Sant’Angelo). There are collections of weapons and documents about the history of the castle. All rooms can be visited, from the jail to the pope's apartments and all the numerous fully adorned rooms. You can see: Apollo's room with frescoes by P. del Vaga’s school; Leo X's chapel with Renaissance sculptures; Clemente VII's rooms with works by G. Romano, T. Cats, L. Signorelli and others; Paul III's loggia by R. da Montelupo; Giulio II's loggia by Bramante; Paul III's apartment with the Paoline room decorated by P. del Vaga, D. Beccafumi and others; Adrianeo’s room and the Festoons' room with ST. Jerome painted by L. Lotto.
Catacombs of Domitilla
Place of burial and worship of the early Christians
Catacombs of Domitilla are near Appian Way and their most ancient nuclei date from the the end of the 2nd century
The catacombs are underground cemeteries that spread for kilometers through a network of subterranean galleries into which numerous tombs were dug. At least until the 4th century, they were used only as a burial grounds, where the cult of the dead was celebrated with liturgical commemorations. Starting from the 6th century and through the 12th century, the catacombs became sanctuaries dedicated to the worship and commemoration of the martyrs.
Address: Via delle Sette Chiese, 283
Zone: Appia Antica - Ardeatina
Horary: 8h 30 - 12h/ 14h 30 - 17h. Closed Tuesdays and January
Ticket: € 5,00
Phone: 065110342
Colosseum (Amphitheater of Flavius)
It is a marvellous architectural complex that doesn't find examples in Roman art. Its real name is Flavian Amphitheater. It was built in 72 A.D. by an unknown architect.
The Colosseum rises among the Palatine hill, the Celian hill and the Oppian hill. Its construction was begun by emperor Vespasian and was completed by his son Titus in 80 A.D. At first, in the amphitheater, gladiatorial shows, consisting in fights to the death between men and beasts, took place: it is there that, later on, the first Christians were cruelly killed by beasts. Afterwards the Coliseum was neglected, which provoked its rapid deterioration. Pope Benedetto XIV's edict consecrated it to the memory of the Christian martyrs, putting an end to its slow destruction. In 1808 it was restored by Pope Pious VII.
The Colosseum consists of four floors: the first three of them have 80 holes shaped like archs, while the fourth is taller than the others and is characterized by a more compact building mass with windows. The archs are separated by pillars with semi-columns of Doric, Ionic and Corinthian order. Inside, the staircases had a capacity of around 50.000 people, who, in case of bad weather, were sheltered by a system of coverage consisting of striped cloth, maneuvered by one hundred sailors. It is the greatest amphitheater of the Roman world.
Address: Piazza del Colosseo
Information and reservations: phone 06 39 96 77 00
On-line booking: or at the Visitor Centre of the APT - Via Parigi, 5. Booking is compulsory for groups of over 14 people. The reservation includes free audioguides.
Hours: 9 - 1h before sunset.
Admission Euro 9,00 + Euro 2,00 for exhibitions(ticket valid also for the Palatine).
Domus Aurea
Built by emperor Nero, it had to be the largest and richest residence ever raised. It was named Domus Aurea (gold House) thanks to its valuable decorations and prestigious furniture.
It is situated on the Oppian hill in "via della Domus Aurea". The sumptuous Nero’s villa was closed to visitors during the 80’s; since June 25th 1999 you can again visit and appreciated it. It was built after the disastrous fire occurred in 64 A.D.
The vast rooms are fully adorned with stucco-works and paintings, from which the Renaissance artists got their inspiration for that particular decoration called “grotesque”. Of big effect the "Octagonal room" and the one of the "Golden Vault". Through a pre-planned itinerary of 32 rooms you can visit: the Ulysses and Polyphemus's room, the Golden Vault's room, Achilles Asciro's room, the complex of the Octagonal room and Hector and Andromache's room.
Address: Via della Domus Aurea - Giardini di Colle Oppio
Zone: Termini - Esquilino
Horary: 9h - 19h 45
Ticket: € 5,00 (obbligatory reservation € 1,00)
Phone: 0639967700
Monument to Vittorio Emmanuele II
It is an imposing monument built up in 1885 according to architect G.Sacconi's plan to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the kingdom of Italy
It rises in Piazza Venezia and is called also 'Victorian'. It was built, using white limestone, in 1885 and was inaugurated in 1911 but it took almost twenty years to be completed. Besides, being the symbol of Italian unity since 1921, it also considered the altar of the Italian land. Two sentries of honor continuously watch the tomb the Unknown Soldier which keeps the remains of an unknown soldier died during the World War.
An enormous flight of steps, flanked with winged lions and two bronze 'Vittorie', leads to the altar of the Italian land. It shows high-reliefs by Angelo Zanelli, in the middle of which, you can admire the Rome statue. In the middle of this monument there is the gigantic equestrian statue of king Victor Emmanuel II, realized in bronze by Enrico Chiaradia. Behind, the monument shows a grandiose porch with columns 15 metres high and two colossal bronze quadrigae with winged 'Vittorie', realized by Carlo Fontana e Paolo Bartolini
Address: Piazza Venezia
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Horary: 9h - 17h 30 in winter / 19h 30 in summer
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 066991718
It is an imposing monument considered a masterpiece of the Roman architecture. It is one of the ancient and best conserved monuments in the world. Consul Agrippa had it built in 27 A.D.
Placed in "Piazza della Rotonda" near "Piazza Minerva" it was named "Pantheon" because it was a temple dedicated to several divinities. Thanks, first, to the restoration by Domiziano, and then to the reconstruction by Adriano in 130 A.D., it has remained nearly integral. In 609 A.D. this temple was given by Emperor Foca to Pope Bonifacio IV and changed into a church; this is the reason why it is still in excellent conditions.
Nearly all what you can admire was built in Roman age, even the dome, 43,4 metres high, and the solid bronze door. The arcade is decorated, inside, with valuable polychrome marbles whereas its façade has 16 monolithic granitic columns which are 14 metres high. Inside, the "Pantheon" has a circular plan and a stately lacunar dome. The only opening is in the middle of the dome and creates a luminous effect that exalts the grandiosity and the harmony of this monument. In its chapels there are numerous works of art and the tombs of thrItalian royal families, of Baldassarre Peruzzi and Taddeo Zuccari and, above all, there is Raffaello's grave.
Address: Piazza della Rotonda
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Horary: 8h 30 - 18h 30; Sunday 9h - 18h; holiday 9h - 13h 30
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 0668300230
Piazza del Popolo
Planned by Valadier at the beginning of the XIX century, it is considered one of the best urban works in Rome
It represents the point of confluence of three important streets: via del Corso, via del Babuino and via di Ripetta. It is characterized by the Porta del Popolo by Bernini, which was the most important entrance in Rome for travellers coming from the north through the consular Flaminia road.
In the middle of the square you can see the second greatest obelisk in Rome: the Egyptian Obelisk, realized in 1200 B.C. At the slopes of Pincio's terrace, from where you can enjoy an exceptional view of Rome, there is the "Chiesa di Santa Maria del Popolo", built in the Middle Ages and rebuilt many times until its complete restoration occurred during Renaissance. Inside, you can admire works by Pinturicchio and Caravaggio. The second aisle, the one on left, is overhung by "Cappella Chigi" designed by Raffaello during the Renaissance. Two more similar churches face this square: "Santa Maria in Montesanto" and "Santa Maria dei Miracoli", realized in the XVI century by Bernini.
Piazza di Spagna
This is one of the best known and evocative places in Rome. It is characterized by the great perron of " Trinità dei Monti".
From this square the best known and most elegant streets in Rome branch off: for instance, "Via Condotti" is famous all over the world for its numerous boutique and ateliers of many Italian stylists like Armani, Versace and Valentino. "Via Frattina" is also an elegant and very frequented street. "Via del Babuino" is full of palaces built in 17th and 18th centuries and is the centre of Roman antique-trade. "Via Margutta", which is parallel to " via del Babuino", is the street of the painters.
The great perron of "Trinità dei Monti" was made out of travertine in 1724 according to F. De Sanctis' plan. In the middle of the square, at the bottom of the perron, there is the elegant "Fontana della Barcaccia" realized by Pietro Bernini. At the top of the stairs you can see, behind the Egyptian obelisk, "Santa Trinità dei Monti's church". It was built in 1495 and its façade was realized by Maderno. Beginning from "Piazza di Spagna" and going up its flight of steps, you can reach the "Pincio's terrace", from where you can enjoy an exceptional view of Rome.
Piazza Navona
It is a beautiful and famous square where you can admire masterpieces by Bernini, Borromini e G. della Porta, who were very important exponents of the baroque art.
It is also one of the most frequented place in Rome: as a matter of fact, it is a meeting place both for tourist and Romans till late in the night thanks, also, to the numerous pubs, restaurants and piano-bars.
This square has an elliptic shape like a stadium and, in fact, rises on the ancient Domitian's Stadium. In it you can admire three splendid fountains. The central one is the Fontana dei Fiumi which was realized by Bernini and is characterized by four allegorical statues which represent the four main river in the world. The lateral ones are the Fontana del Moro designed by Bernini and the Fontana del Nettuno planned by Giacomo della Porta.. In the middle of the square, there is the beautiful work of Borromini : the Chiesa di Santa Agnese in Agone which has a concave façade and represents a magnificient model of baroque building. Inside, in the crypt, you can admire the remains of the primitive church and the Domitian's Stadium.
Quirinal Palace
It was, at first, a grand papal see, afterwards became the official residence of the Italian Royal Family and finally it became the President of the Republic's residence
It was built in Quirinal Square about in 1584 according to Pope Gregorio XIII's will. To give the palace its current shape, many great artists collaborated; some of them are: Domenico Fontana who designed the façade, Carlo Maderno who designed the great chapel, Flaminio Ponzio, Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Alessandro Fuga. The building was definitively completed in the XVIII century, under the pontificate of Pope Clemente XII Corsini.
It is a grandiose building, but its architectonic structure hasn't got an exceptional value in spite of the great artists who made it. Its façade has a very interesting decorative element: the beautiful portal realized in 1615 by Carlo Maderno and overhung by the Loggia of Blessing realized in 1638 by Bernini. Inside, you can see a wide courtyard, at the end of which, a high clock tower rises. The wide and very numerous rooms were decorated with remarkable frescoes by several painters. In particular, you can admire the interesting "Cappella dell'Annunciata" with frescoes by Guido Reni. Besides, there is the magnificent garden which dates back to the beginning of the XVIII century. In it, the peculiar "Fontana dell'Organo" is very beautiful.
Address: Piazza del Quirinale
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Ticket: € 5,00
Phone: 0646991
Roman Forum
It can be considered a symbol of antiquity. It was the center of the civic, juridical and economic life in Republican times
It can be reached from the Capitoline hill going down along Senators Building or behind the monument to king Victor Emmanuel II and walking along Via dei Fori Imperiali. It was very damaged by the barbaric invasions. In 1700 the excavations brought out notable treasures of Romanic art.
To the right of its main entrance you can see the ruins of the Basilica Emilia, erected in 179 B.C. The pavement of the ancient street, called Argiletum, separates this basilica from the Curia which was the Forum’s first civic center. Just behind, you can see the arch of Septimius Severus, built in 203 A.D. and still almost intact. It consists of three arcades separated by white columns. Going on there are the Rostra, that is to say, the tribunes from where Roman Orators spoke. In front of the Rostra, you can admire the Phocas column, raised in 608 in honor of the homonymous emperor. Not far, there is the "Via Sacra", so called because it was crossed by priests during the sacred ceremonies; it preserves partly the original paving. Along the street, on the right, there are the Basilica Julia, made under Caesar, the temple of Saturn and the temple of Dioscuris, erected in the B.C.. Besides, you can see the temple of Vesta which has a circular plan and where a perpetual fire, symbol of eternal Rome, used to burn. In addition, you can notice the House of Vestals, where the virgins taking care of the fire lived. Along the "Via Sacra", on the left, there are the temple of Antoninus and Faustina and the Basilica of Maxentius. The "Via Sacra" ended near the Arch of Titus.
Address: Via dei Fori Imperiali
Zone: Colosseo - Piazza Venezia
Horary: 9h - 1h before the sunset
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 0639967700
San Luigi dei Francesi
In this church, built in 1589 by Domenico Fontana according to Giacomo Della Porta's design, many masterpieces are kept. Among which the famous works by Caravaggio Martirio di San Matteo, Vocazione di San Matteo and San Matteo e l'angelo.
The French National church, founded in 1518, was completed only in 1589. It faces the homonymous square
The imposing façade made out of travertine, has a balcony in its middle and two orders of Corinthian parastades from Tuscania with niches and statues by Pierre l'Estache. This church has three aisles divided by Ionic pillars. It is famous because it keeps tombs of many French personages and important masterpieces. The frescoes in the second right chapel representing scenes of Saint Cecily's life, are among the best works by Domenichino. Another remarkable work of art you can admire is the "Assunzione" by Francesco Bassano. However the most famous works are kept in the aisle of Saint Matthew, where you can find, on the right wall, the "Martirio di San Matteo", on the left wall, the "Vocazione di San Matteo", and on the altar, "San Matteo e l'Angelo", which are masterpieces by Caravaggio.
Address: Piazza San Luigi dei Francesi
Zone: Castel S. Angelo - Piazza Navona
Ticket: Gratis
Santa Maria in Trastevere
It is the most ancient basilica in Rome: in fact, it was built in 222 A.D. by order of Pope San Callisto. Later on, it was reconstructed in the XII century according to Innocenzo II's will.
It faces the square to which gives its name and represents the heart of one of the most typical quarters in Rome and the centre of the night life in Trastevere. In 1450 it was restored, by order of Nicola V, by the architect Bernardino Rossellini and in 1702 Clemente XI had the porch added according to Carlo Fontana's plan.
You can admire the interesting façade, decorated with a splendid mosaic representing the Madonna in throne, and the porch, erected by Carlo Fontana in the XVIII century according to Papa Clemente XI's will. A balustrade with four pontifices' statues overhangs the porch. At the church's side you can see the beautiful Romanesque bell tower which dates back to the XII century. The internal structure consists of three aisles divided by 22 ancient granite columns coming from pagan monuments. The beautiful floor, which recalls the style of the Cosmati Family, and the lacunar ceiling painted according to Domenichino's designs, are very interesting. Amid the windows you can admire the valuable mosaics by Cavallini representing the life of the Madonna.
Address: Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere
Zone: Castel S. Angelo - Piazza Navona
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 065814802
Santa Maria Maggiore
The basilica was erected in the IV century but underwent many remakings in the course of the years. The building is characterized by different architectonic styles.
Placed in its homonymous square, its construction is due to a dream which Pope Liberio had the 5th of August 356 A.D., during the night: the Virgin invited him to build a church in the place where the following morning he would have found snow. The miracle came true because, the day after, it snowed on the place where the basilica is placed today.
Built in 1375-76 in Romanesque style, the bell tower is the highest in Rome (about 75 metres high).The internal structure, unique among the patriarchal basilicas, has kept a shape similar to the original one. It is 86 metres high, has three aisles which are divided by a series of monolithic columns. On these columns you can admire Ionic capitals which directly support the trabeation with a mosaic frieze of the V century. The lacunar ceiling is attributed to Giuliano from Sangallo and is adorned with the emblem of Alexander VI's Taurus. Its floor, which recalls the style of the Cosmati Family, dates back to the half of the XII century. Inside, you can find valuable works of art by many Italian masters. Among these, you can admire the works by D. Fontana who realized the Sistine Chapel by order of Sisto V.
Address: Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore
Zone: Termini - Esquilino
Ticket: Gratis
Phone: 06483195
St. Peter's Basilica
It is the greatest church in the world and is dominated by the imposing Michelangelo's dome. It was built in 324 A.D. by Constantine. The works which give the present shape to the basilica began in 1506 thanks to the Bramante's plan
Placed in the Vatican State (that is an independent State) it dominates St.Peter's Square which is a Bernini's masterpiece. This basilica is the spiritual centre of the Christendom and for its realization many great artists like Bramante, Raffaello, G. from Sangallo, Peruzzi, A. from Sangallo masterly worked. In 1547 Michelangelo joined those artists realizing the apse part and the dome which represents the greatest masonry work never built. Later on, Maderno erected the basilica's façade and, by order of the Pope, changed the Greek cross plan of the church into the current Latin cross.
Preceded by an enormous perron, the basilica's façade is characterized by emergent columns between which some windows take place. The largest window, that is the central one, is the blessings loggia. The atrium, realized by Maderno, is decorated with stuccoes and mosaics: among these, Giotto's mosaic "La Navicella" is particularly appealing. Five bronze doors introduce to the basilica; one of these, that is to say " The Saint Door", is open only on the jubilees occasion. The church is imposing and and grandiose: in its middle, under the luminous dome, adorned by mosaics, over the papal altar, you can admire the Bernini's bronze canopy. On its right you can see St. Peter's bronze statue, sculptured by A. di Cambio, having its right foot warn out by the faithful's kisses. In the right aisle there is "La Pietà",the famous Michelangelo's marble complex. In the Apse you can admire the splendid "St. Peter's Chair", a bronze work by Bernini. If you want, you can visit the basilica's dome from where you can enjoy an exceptional view of Rome.
The Ancient Appian Way
Known since antiquity as Regina Viarum, or the queen of roads, the Appian Way was the most famous of the Roman consular roads
Was the first and most important of the great roads which the Romans built. The road was constructed in 312 BC by censor Appius Claudius, and originally connected Rome with the Alban Hills. Begins at Porta San Sebastiano and continues for nine kilometers, at times through open countryside with cluster pines and cultivated fields.
The Ancient Appian Way is still lined with antique tombs, churches, catacombs, sepulchers and mausoleums. Some of these displayed much monumental greatness, as in the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, famous funeral monument, dating from the last decades of the ancient Roman Republic.
The Capitol
It is one of the most interesting architectural areas in Rome. The whole complex (square and buildings) was built in the sixteenth century according to Michelangelo's designs
Placed on the Capitoline Hill, it suffered during the centuries various remaking until it assumed the actual shape, according to Michelangelo's project .Since the ancient times it was a very important place for the life of the City, being first, a religious centre, and then, the seat of Roman Senate. Today it is the Town Hall. You can reach the Capitol by the great flight of steps built according to Michelangelo's designs. At the top of the stairs there is a balustrade whith the statues of Dioscuri raised during the imperial period. You can admire in the middle of the trapezoidal square Marcus Aurelius’s statue, on its left the "Palazzo Nuovo", seat of Capitoline museum, on its right the "Palazzo dei Conservatori" and behind the statue the "Palazzo Senatorio" with its beautiful stairs realized by Michelangelo, and the fountain with the ancient statue of sitting Minerva. The Capitoline Tower, erected in the 16th century, overlooks the "Palazzo Senatorio".
Trevi Fountain
The most famous fountain in Rome, made by architect Salvi in 1735 under Pope Clement XII, it is considered one of the most beautiful fountains in the world. The Dukes of Poli's building serves as background to the fountain.
Not far from "via del Corso" erected in the homonym square, it is probably one of the most visited places in Rome. Thousands of people every day come to admire it and throw a coininto it, because, according to a legend, the one who tosses a coin into the fountain ensures his return to Rome. The movie "La Dolce Vita", directed by Federico Fellini has contributed to enrich the world fame of this fountain.
It is divided into three niches by four columns. It tells several allegoric stories. In the central niche, the statue of the Ocean God stands on a shell-shaped chariot pulled by winged horses. In the side niches there are statues symbolizing Plenty and Sobriety. In the basin, which represents the sea, various animals, both mythological and real, are represented.
Markets of Trajan and Trajan's Forum
The markets, with their tabernae and bargaining rooms, are the ingenious building complex expecially designed to support the ground of the Quirinal Hill, dug out for the construction of the Imperial Forums, where the centre of public life had shifted.
Address: Via IV Novembre 94 - phone 06 67 90 048
Information and reservations: phone/fax 06 69 78 05 32
Hours: winter 9 - 16.30, summer 9 - 18.30, Mon closed.
Please note: the Markets of Trajan are temporarily closed. It is however possible to visit the Trajan's Forum and the big semicircular building at the reduced price of Euro 3,20. Entrance from the Column of Trajan.
A walk of incomparable beauty along the most ancient memories of Rome: the Domus Augustana, residence of the emperors, and other private houses.
Address: Via di S. Gregorio, 30 or Piazza S. Maria Nova 53 (Foro Romano) - phone 06 39 96 77 00
On-line booking: or at the Visitor Centre of the APT - Via Parigi, 5. Booking is compulsory for groups of over 14 people. The reservation includes free audioguides.
Hours: 9 - 1h before sunset.
Admission: Euro 8,00 (ticket valid also for the Colosseum)
Archaeology Museums
Municipal Antiquarium
Household objects from the 6th century B.C. to the time of barbarian invasions. The Antiquarium includes the famous doll with jointed limbs that was part of the funeral accouterment of Crepereia Tryphaena.
Via Parco del Celio 22 - phone 06 70 01 569
Temporarily closed for restoration.
Antiquarium of the Forum
Finds coming from the Forum excavations and frescoes once on the walls of the churches of Santa Maria Antiqua and Sant'Adriano.
Piazza Santa Maria Nova 53 - Free entrance
Temporarily closed.
Centrale Montemartini
In the former Montemartini electric power plant, a unique combination of classical art and industrial machinery: 400 sculptures coming from the Capitoline Museums.
Via Ostiense 106 - phone 06 57 48 030/06 57 48 042
Hours: 9.30 - 19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 4,50 (a Euro 8,50 seven days ticket also includes the entrance to the Musei Capitolini). Info and reservations: phone 06 82059127 - online reservations:
Archaeological Museum of Ostia
On display are the finds brought to light during the excavations in ancient Ostia: sculptures, decorative and architectural terracotta pieces, objects of worship.
Scavi di Ostia Antica, Via dei Romagnoli 717
- phone 06 56 35 80 99
Reservation for guided tours: phone 06 56 35 28 30
Hours: winter 9.00 - 16, summer 9.00 - 13.30; 14.15-18.30 Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50 (same ticket as for the excavations).
Hours: 9.30 - 19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 4,50 (a Euro 8,50 seven days ticket also includes the entrance to the Musei Capitolini). Info and reservations: phone 06 82059127 - online reservations:
Archaeological Museum of Ostia
On display are the finds brought to light during the excavations in ancient Ostia: sculptures, decorative and architectural terracotta pieces, objects of worship.
Scavi di Ostia Antica, Via dei Romagnoli 717
- phone 06 56 35 80 99
Reservation for guided tours: phone 06 56 35 28 30
Hours: winter 9.00 - 16, summer 9.00 - 13.30; 14.15-18.30 Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50 (same ticket as for the excavations).
Barracco Museum
The collection, which belonged to Baron Giovanni Barracco, includes Egyptian, Assyro-Babylonian, Greek, and Roman works of art. In the basement are the remains of a late-Roman building.
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166/a - phone/fax 06 68 80 68 48 Internet:
Hours: Tuesday throuh Sunday 9.00am-7.00pm. Admission Euro 3,00.
Capitoline Museums
The oldest public collection in the world that includes sculptures of great value such as the Dying Gaul and the Capitoline Venus. In the Picture Gallery paintings dating from the 14th to the 17th century, by artists of the caliber of Titian, Bellini and Caravaggio.
Piazza del Campidoglio 1 - phone 06 67 10 24 75 - fax 06 67 85 488 E-mail:
Info and reservations phone 06 82059127
Hours: 9 - 20, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50. (Capitolini Card: Euro 8,50 valid for 7 days including the entrance to the Centrale Montemartini).
Museum of Roman Civilization
The museum retraces the history of Rome through its civilization works all over the world. The magnificent model of Imperial Rome in 1:250 scale is not to be missed.
Piazza G. Agnelli 10 (EUR) - phone. 06 59 26 041
Hours: Tue-Fri 9 - 14.00, Sat and Sun 9 - 19.00, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50
Museum of the Walls
Located at the beginning of the Old Appian Way, inside Porta San Sebastiano, the museum highlights the architectural history of Rome's fortified surrounding walls and allows access to the only section of the wall-walk open to the public.
Via di Porta San Sebastiano 18 - phone 06 70 47 52 84
Hours: Tue-Fri 9 - 14.00, Sat and Sun 9 - 19.00, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50
Museum of the Walls
Located at the beginning of the Old Appian Way, inside Porta San Sebastiano, the museum highlights the architectural history of Rome's fortified surrounding walls and allows access to the only section of the wall-walk open to the public.
Via di Porta San Sebastiano 18 - phone 06 70 47 52 84
Hours: 9 - 14, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 2,60
Hours: 9 - 14, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 2,60
Palatine Museum
Materials coming from the Palatine excavations.
Via di San Gregorio 30 - phone 06 39 96 77 00
Hours: 9 to 1h before sunset.
Admission Euro 9,00 (same ticket as for the Palatine and for the Colosseum).
Ship Museum and Port of Trajan
Display of four Roman cargo ships found during the excavations of the ancient harbor of Claudius.
Via A. Guidoni 35 - Fiumicino Airport - phone/fax 06 65 29 92 E-mail:
Temporarily closed for restoration. Guided tours available on request to the Port of Trajan.
Via Ostiense Museum
Set up in the rooms of Porta San Paolo, the museum is devoted to the road that joined Rome to Ostia. Noteworthy are the models reproducing Ancient Ostia and the Harbours of Claudius and Trajan.
Via R. Persichetti 3 - phone 06 57 43 193
Hours: 9 - 13.30, Tue and Thu also 14.30 - 16.30. Mon closed.
Free entrance.
National Museum of Eastern Art
The most important Italian collection of Eastern art, consisting of finds coming from the excavations of the archaeological missions of the Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East.
Via Merulana 248 - phone 06 46974801 - fax 06 46974837
Hours: 8.30 -14, Tue - Thu - Sun and holidays 8.30 - 19.30; closed 1st and 3rd Mon of each month.
Admission Euro 4,00.
Hours: 8.30 -14, Tue - Thu - Sun and holidays 8.30 - 19.30; closed 1st and 3rd Mon of each month.
Admission Euro 4,00.
L. Pigorini National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography
An ethnographic collection containing around 60,000 pieces produced by European indigenous cultures. The Italian prehistoric and protohistoric section retraces the evolution from the Paleolithic epoch to the Iron Age. Historic archive of aerial photos.
Piazzale G. Marconi 14 - phone 06 54 95 21 - fax 06 54 95 23 10
Hours: 9 - 14; L closed.
Admission Euro 4,00
Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum
Housed in the splendid villa of Pope Julius III, the museum holds the pre-Roman antiquities from the Etruscan and Faliscan civilizations.
Piazzale di Villa Giulia 9 - phone06 3226571
Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed. (closed on January 1st and December 25th)
Admission Euro 4,00
National Roman Museum
Split up into five sites, the Museum is one of the most important archaeological collections in the world.
Special tickets are available: a 6,50 Euro ticket (National Roman Museum Card) valid 3 days for all the sites of the Museum (supplement for exhibitions Euro 2,50); a 20,00 Euro ticket (Roma Archeologia Card) also including the Colosseum, the Palatine, the Baths of Caracalla, the Tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Villa of the Quintili.
Reservation Office: phone 06 39 96 77 00 (Hours: Mon to Sat 9 - 13.30/14.30 - 17 Sun and holidays closed).
On-line booking:
Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
The palace has been completely restored and holds important statues, splendid floor mosaics belonging to Roman villas, and the reconstruction of entire frescoed rooms coming from the Villa of Livia. A rich numismatic collection is not to be missed.
Largo di Villa Peretti 1 - phone 06 39 96 77 00
Hours: 9 - 19.45, Mon closed.
Octagonal Hall
The splendid hall is an intergral part of the Baths of Diocletian. It holds important sculptures coming from Roman bath complexes.
Via G. Romita 8 - phone 06 39 96 77 00
Palazzo Altemps
The 15th century palace, which boasts a beautiful courtyard, mainly contains sculptural works coming from the Ludovisi, Mattei and Altemps collections.
Piazza Sant' Apollinare 44 - phone 06 39 96 77 00
Hours: 9 - 19.45, Mon closed.
Baths of Diocletian
Once the historic site of Museo Nazionale Romano, the Baths of Diocletian house, after a long restoration, the epigraphic and protohistoric department.
Viale E. De Nicola, 78 - phone 06 39 96 77 00
Hours: 9 - 19.45, Mon closed
Crypta Balbi
Remains of the theatre built by Balbus in 13 B.C. After the 4th century A.D. and throughout the Middle Ages, its spaces were used as tombs, artisans' workshops and religious buildings. Interesting collection of finds.
Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31 - phone 06 39 96 77 00
Hours: 9 - 19.45, Mon closed.
Vatican Museums
One of the most important museum complexes in the world, it is divided into numerous splendidly arranged sections containing masterpieces by the greatest artists, collected or commissioned by Popes down through the centuries. At the end is the Sistine Chapel, in which the recent restoration has bought to light the original colors of the vault and Michelangelo's Last Judgement, darkened by time.
Viale Vaticano - phone 06 69 88 49 47 - fax 06 69 88 50 61
Hours: January, February, November and December 10.00 - 13.45, last admission 12.30. Sun closed.
From March to October 10.00 - 16.45 (last admission 15.20), Sat 10.00-14.45, last admission 13.30.Sun closed.
Closed January 1st and 6th , February 11th, March 19th , Easter Monday, May 1st , June 29th , August 15th and 16th , November 1st, December 8th, 25th and 26th and on other religious holidays.
Vatican Gardens:
info and reservations 06 69 88 44 66 - fax 06 69 88 51 00
Medieval and Modern Museums
Casino dei Principi
Torlonia family's historical residence and home of Benito Mussolini from 1925 to 1943. It has been recently restored and open to the public. Visitors can admire some works of the Torlonia family's collection and the bedroom.
Villa Torlonia Via Nomentana70
phone 06 82 07 73 04
Summer Tue - Sun 9 - 19,
Winter 9 - 17
Admission: Euro 2,60
Casino Pallavicini
On the ceiling is Guido Reni's celebrated Aurora fresco, dated 1614.
Via XXIV Maggio 43 - phone 06 48 14 344 - fax 06 47 42 615
E-mail: Internet:
Hours: Open the 1st of every month (except January 1st) 10 - 12 and 15 - 17.
Admission free.
Special (paid) visits for groups only by reservation.
Colonna Gallery
It holds the collection of Italian and foreign art of the Colonna family: works by Melozzo da Forlì, Veronese, Plama il Vecchio, Tintoretto, Guercino.
Via della Pilotta 17 - phone 06 67 84 350 - fax 06 67 94 638.
Hours: Sat 9-13. Closed in August. On written request, tours of the gallery and private apartments every day for groups of minimum 10 persons.
Admission Euro 7,00.
Municipal Gallery of Modern Art
Contemporary Italian art up to 1943-45.
Via F.Crispi 24 - phone 06 47 42 848/06 47 42 843 - fax 06 47 42 912
Temporarily closed.
Doria Pamphilj Gallery
One of the most important private art collections, consisting of paintings and sculptures by Italian and foreign artists: Velazquez, Titian, Bernini, Caravaggio, Andrea del Sarto.
Piazza del Collegio Romano 2 - phone 06 67 97 323
On-line booking: - Euro 1,03
Hours: 10 - 17, Thur closed.
Admission Euro 8,00 with audio guides.
National Gallery of Ancient Art at Palazzo Barberini
The building was designed by Maderno and finished by Bernini. The ceiling of the central hall is decorated with an allegorical painting by Pietro da Cortona.
It features 12th - to 18th century paintings, furniture, majolica, and porcelains.
Via Barberini 18/Via delle Quattro Fontane, 13 - phone 06 48 24 184 - fax 06 48 80 560
On-line booking: Euro 1,03
It is advisable to book the visit to the 18th-century apartment beforehand:
phone 06 32 81 0.
Hours: 8,30- 19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 5,00
National Gallery of Palazzo Corsini
Seat of the Arcadian Academy of Queen Christine of Sweden, the Gallery contains Roman finds of the Imperial age and 16th and 17th century paintings.
Via della Lungara 10 - phone 06 68 80 23 23 - fax 06 68 13 31 92
On-line booking: - phone 06 32 81 0 - Euro 1,03
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday entrance at 9.30; 11.00; 12.30. Saturday and Sunday 8.30 - 13.20, Monday closed.
Admission Euro 4,00.
Spada Gallery
The Galleria Spada where Borromini designed the Perspective Gallery is housed in the palace having the same name and holds works by important artists, mainly of the 17th century.
Piazza Capo di Ferro 13 - phone/fax 06 68 74 893.
On-line booking: - Euro 1,03
Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 5,00.
National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art
The greatest collection of paintings, sculptures, and prints, largely by Italian artists, dating from 1800s up to the present.
Viale delle Belle Arti 131 - phone 06 32 29 01
Booking (-): phone 06 32 29 01
Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50
MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
Italian art from 1946 onwards.
Via Reggio Emilia 54 - phone 06 67 10 70400/ fax 06 85 54 090 Internet: E-Mail:
Hours: 9-19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 1,00.
MACRO Future
Piazza Orazio Giustiniani, 4 - Hours: 16-24; Mon closed. Free entrance. Info: 06671070400/fax 068554090.
Canonica Museum
In the 17th-century residence called "La Fortezzuola", on the grounds of Villa Borghese, where the Piemontese sculptor Pietro Canonica lived and died, a collection of his sculptures, paintings and sketches.
Viale P. Canonica 2 - phone 06 88 42 279 - fax 06 88 45 702
Casino Pallavicini
On the ceiling is Guido Reni's celebrated Aurora fresco, dated 1614.
Via XXIV Maggio 43 - phone 06 48 14 344 - fax 06 47 42 615
E-mail: Internet:
Hours: Open the 1st of every month (except January 1st) 10 - 12 and 15 - 17.
Admission free.
Special (paid) visits for groups only by reservation.
Colonna Gallery
It holds the collection of Italian and foreign art of the Colonna family: works by Melozzo da Forlì, Veronese, Plama il Vecchio, Tintoretto, Guercino.
Via della Pilotta 17 - phone 06 67 84 350 - fax 06 67 94 638.
Hours: Sat 9-13. Closed in August. On written request, tours of the gallery and private apartments every day for groups of minimum 10 persons.
Admission Euro 7,00.
Municipal Gallery of Modern Art
Contemporary Italian art up to 1943-45.
Via F.Crispi 24 - phone 06 47 42 848/06 47 42 843 - fax 06 47 42 912
Temporarily closed.
Doria Pamphilj Gallery
One of the most important private art collections, consisting of paintings and sculptures by Italian and foreign artists: Velazquez, Titian, Bernini, Caravaggio, Andrea del Sarto.
Piazza del Collegio Romano 2 - phone 06 67 97 323
On-line booking: - Euro 1,03
Hours: 10 - 17, Thur closed.
Admission Euro 8,00 with audio guides.
National Gallery of Ancient Art at Palazzo Barberini
The building was designed by Maderno and finished by Bernini. The ceiling of the central hall is decorated with an allegorical painting by Pietro da Cortona.
It features 12th - to 18th century paintings, furniture, majolica, and porcelains.
Via Barberini 18/Via delle Quattro Fontane, 13 - phone 06 48 24 184 - fax 06 48 80 560
On-line booking: Euro 1,03
It is advisable to book the visit to the 18th-century apartment beforehand:
phone 06 32 81 0.
Hours: 8,30- 19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 5,00
National Gallery of Palazzo Corsini
Seat of the Arcadian Academy of Queen Christine of Sweden, the Gallery contains Roman finds of the Imperial age and 16th and 17th century paintings.
Via della Lungara 10 - phone 06 68 80 23 23 - fax 06 68 13 31 92
On-line booking: - phone 06 32 81 0 - Euro 1,03
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday entrance at 9.30; 11.00; 12.30. Saturday and Sunday 8.30 - 13.20, Monday closed.
Admission Euro 4,00.
Spada Gallery
The Galleria Spada where Borromini designed the Perspective Gallery is housed in the palace having the same name and holds works by important artists, mainly of the 17th century.
Piazza Capo di Ferro 13 - phone/fax 06 68 74 893.
On-line booking: - Euro 1,03
Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 5,00.
National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art
The greatest collection of paintings, sculptures, and prints, largely by Italian artists, dating from 1800s up to the present.
Viale delle Belle Arti 131 - phone 06 32 29 01
Booking (-): phone 06 32 29 01
Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50
MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
Italian art from 1946 onwards.
Via Reggio Emilia 54 - phone 06 67 10 70400/ fax 06 85 54 090 Internet: E-Mail:
Hours: 9-19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 1,00.
MACRO Future
Piazza Orazio Giustiniani, 4 - Hours: 16-24; Mon closed. Free entrance. Info: 06671070400/fax 068554090.
Canonica Museum
In the 17th-century residence called "La Fortezzuola", on the grounds of Villa Borghese, where the Piemontese sculptor Pietro Canonica lived and died, a collection of his sculptures, paintings and sketches.
Viale P. Canonica 2 - phone 06 88 42 279 - fax 06 88 45 702
Guided visits on request: phone 06 82 07 73 04
Hours: 9 - 19, holidays 9 - 13.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 3,00.
Museum of Casina delle Civette
A fanciful building on the grounds of Villa Torlonia. It has numerous splendid Art Noveau polychrome leaded glass windows produced between 1908 and 1930.
Villa Torlonia, Via Nomentana 70 - phone 06 82 07 73 04
Hours: 9 - 19, holidays 9 - 13.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 3,00.
Museum of Casina delle Civette
A fanciful building on the grounds of Villa Torlonia. It has numerous splendid Art Noveau polychrome leaded glass windows produced between 1908 and 1930.
Villa Torlonia, Via Nomentana 70 - phone 06 82 07 73 04
summer tue-sun 9 - 19.
winter 9-17
Admission Euro 2,60
National Museum of the Early Middle Ages
This recently founded museum (1967), contains archaeological material from excavations and collections of the period spanning from late antiquity to the height of the Middle Ages (4th - 13th centuries).
Viale Lincoln 3 (EUR) - phone. 06 54 22 81 99 - fax 06 54 22 81 30
Hours: 9 - 20, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 2,00
National Museum of Folk Arts and Traditions
The material was collected all over Italy and put on display in 1911, for the fiftieth anniversary of the Unity of Italy, to illustrate the various costumes, religious practices, art, work and everyday life.Tactile itineraries for blind visitors.
Piazza Marconi 8/10 (EUR) - phone 06 59 26 148 - fax 06 59 11 848
Hours: Tue - Sat 9 - 18, Sun and holidays 9-20, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 4,00
Museum of Rome in Trastevere
Original documents and reconstruction of environments illustrate the everyday life in Rome in the last centuries of a papal power.
Piazza S. Egidio 1/b - phone 06 58 16 563 - fax 06 58 84 165
summer tue-sun 9 - 19.
winter 9-17
Admission Euro 2,60
National Museum of the Early Middle Ages
This recently founded museum (1967), contains archaeological material from excavations and collections of the period spanning from late antiquity to the height of the Middle Ages (4th - 13th centuries).
Viale Lincoln 3 (EUR) - phone. 06 54 22 81 99 - fax 06 54 22 81 30
Hours: 9 - 20, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 2,00
National Museum of Folk Arts and Traditions
The material was collected all over Italy and put on display in 1911, for the fiftieth anniversary of the Unity of Italy, to illustrate the various costumes, religious practices, art, work and everyday life.Tactile itineraries for blind visitors.
Piazza Marconi 8/10 (EUR) - phone 06 59 26 148 - fax 06 59 11 848
Hours: Tue - Sat 9 - 18, Sun and holidays 9-20, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 4,00
Museum of Rome in Trastevere
Original documents and reconstruction of environments illustrate the everyday life in Rome in the last centuries of a papal power.
Piazza S. Egidio 1/b - phone 06 58 16 563 - fax 06 58 84 165
Hours: 10.00 - 20.00, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 5,50.
Hours: 10.00 - 20.00, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 5,50.
Museum of Italian Risorgimento
The museum is located inside the monument to King Victor Emmanuel II and collects paintings, sculptures and drawings related to the Italian history from the Risorgimento to the First World War.
Via San Pietro in Carcere - phone 06 67 93 598 - fax 06 67 82 572
Hours: 9.30-18.00
Admission free.
Museum of Palazzo Venezia
13th- to 18th century paintings, marble sculptures, wood carvings, bronzes, terracotta pieces, pottery, tapestries, and glasswork.
Via del Plebiscito 118 - phone 06 69 99 43 18 - fax 06 69 99 42 21
Information: phone 06 32 81 01 Online booking:
Admission free.
Museum of Palazzo Venezia
13th- to 18th century paintings, marble sculptures, wood carvings, bronzes, terracotta pieces, pottery, tapestries, and glasswork.
Via del Plebiscito 118 - phone 06 69 99 43 18 - fax 06 69 99 42 21
Information: phone 06 32 81 01 Online booking:
Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 4,00.
Museum of Rome
Recently re-opened and completely restored, the Museum contains around 40,000 pieces including sculptures, paintings, marble pieces, and mosaics dating from the Middle Ages to 1870 which are exhibited on a rotation basis.
Via di San Pantaleo 10 (Palazzo Braschi)
Phone 06 67 10 83 46 - fax 06 67 10 83 03.
Information and reservations: phone 06 82 07 73 04
Hours: 9-19; Mon closed.
Admission Euro 9,00.
Borghese Museum and Gallery
In the recently and splendidly restored villa (1613-14), Cardinal Scipione Borghese collected paintings and sculptures, both ancient and of his times, creating an extraordinary collection with masterpieces by Bernini, Canova, Caravaggio, Titian, Rubens and other outstanding artists.
Piazzale del Museo Borghese - phone 06 84 17 645
Advance booking necessary - phone 06 32 81 01 or Entrance granted to a limited number of persons every two hours.
Hours: 9 - 19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50 - Booking fee Euro 2,00.
Napoleonic Museum
The museum retraces the story of the Bonaparte family, from the last decades of the 18th century to the Roman period, ending with the Second Empire.
Piazza Ponte Umberto I, 1 - phone 06 68 80 62 86 - fax 06 68 80 91 14
Hours: Tue-Sun 9-19, Mon closed Admission Euro 5,00.
National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo
Built by Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his successors, Castel Sant'Angelo was later transformed into a fortress and then into a prison. Today it holds an important art and military museum.
Lungotevere Castello 50 - phone 06 68 19 111
Information and reservations: phone 06 39 96 76 00 Hours: 9 - 19,30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 7,00 including exhibition.
Numismatic Museum of the Italian Mint
More than 20,000 pieces, medals and coins minted by the Italian Government and Papal State, are displayed. Panels illustrate ancient and modern minting techniques.
Ministero del Tesoro e del Bilancio, Via XX Settembre 97 - phone 06 47 61 33 17
Internet: E-mail:
Hours: Tue-Sat 9 - 12.30, Mon, holidays and August closed. Show your I.D. to obtain the entrance pass.
Admission free.
Historic Museum of the Liberation of Rome
Set up in what was once the headquarters of the SS Kommandantur, where the major representatives of the Roman Resistance, many of whom lost their lives, were interrogated, tortured and imprisoned.
Via Tasso 145 - phone/fax 06 70 03 866
Hours: Sat - Sun 9.30 - 12.30; Tue, Thu and Fri also 16-19, Mon closed. Admission free.
Museum of Musical Instruments
A collection of instruments of great historic value, which belonged to tenor Evan Gorga and to Benedetto Marcello.
Piazza S. Croce in Gerusalemme 9/a - phone 06 70 14 796 - fax 06 70 29 862
Internet: E-mail: Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 2,00
Villa Farnesina
Built at the beginning of 1500 by arch. Baldassarre, it was decorated by famous artists such as Raphael and Sebastiano del Piombo.
Accademia dei Lincei - Via della Lungara 230
Phone 06 68 02 72 68 - fax 06 68 02 73 45
Internet: E-mail:
Hours: 9 - 13, Holidays closed.
Admission Euro 5,00.
Admission Euro 4,00.
Museum of Rome
Recently re-opened and completely restored, the Museum contains around 40,000 pieces including sculptures, paintings, marble pieces, and mosaics dating from the Middle Ages to 1870 which are exhibited on a rotation basis.
Via di San Pantaleo 10 (Palazzo Braschi)
Phone 06 67 10 83 46 - fax 06 67 10 83 03.
Information and reservations: phone 06 82 07 73 04
Hours: 9-19; Mon closed.
Admission Euro 9,00.
Borghese Museum and Gallery
In the recently and splendidly restored villa (1613-14), Cardinal Scipione Borghese collected paintings and sculptures, both ancient and of his times, creating an extraordinary collection with masterpieces by Bernini, Canova, Caravaggio, Titian, Rubens and other outstanding artists.
Piazzale del Museo Borghese - phone 06 84 17 645
Advance booking necessary - phone 06 32 81 01 or Entrance granted to a limited number of persons every two hours.
Hours: 9 - 19, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 6,50 - Booking fee Euro 2,00.
Napoleonic Museum
The museum retraces the story of the Bonaparte family, from the last decades of the 18th century to the Roman period, ending with the Second Empire.
Piazza Ponte Umberto I, 1 - phone 06 68 80 62 86 - fax 06 68 80 91 14
Hours: Tue-Sun 9-19, Mon closed Admission Euro 5,00.
National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo
Built by Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his successors, Castel Sant'Angelo was later transformed into a fortress and then into a prison. Today it holds an important art and military museum.
Lungotevere Castello 50 - phone 06 68 19 111
Information and reservations: phone 06 39 96 76 00 Hours: 9 - 19,30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 7,00 including exhibition.
Numismatic Museum of the Italian Mint
More than 20,000 pieces, medals and coins minted by the Italian Government and Papal State, are displayed. Panels illustrate ancient and modern minting techniques.
Ministero del Tesoro e del Bilancio, Via XX Settembre 97 - phone 06 47 61 33 17
Internet: E-mail:
Hours: Tue-Sat 9 - 12.30, Mon, holidays and August closed. Show your I.D. to obtain the entrance pass.
Admission free.
Historic Museum of the Liberation of Rome
Set up in what was once the headquarters of the SS Kommandantur, where the major representatives of the Roman Resistance, many of whom lost their lives, were interrogated, tortured and imprisoned.
Via Tasso 145 - phone/fax 06 70 03 866
Hours: Sat - Sun 9.30 - 12.30; Tue, Thu and Fri also 16-19, Mon closed. Admission free.
Museum of Musical Instruments
A collection of instruments of great historic value, which belonged to tenor Evan Gorga and to Benedetto Marcello.
Piazza S. Croce in Gerusalemme 9/a - phone 06 70 14 796 - fax 06 70 29 862
Internet: E-mail: Hours: 8.30 - 19.30, Mon closed.
Admission Euro 2,00
Villa Farnesina
Built at the beginning of 1500 by arch. Baldassarre, it was decorated by famous artists such as Raphael and Sebastiano del Piombo.
Accademia dei Lincei - Via della Lungara 230
Phone 06 68 02 72 68 - fax 06 68 02 73 45
Internet: E-mail:
Hours: 9 - 13, Holidays closed.
Admission Euro 5,00.
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